

Chip Shots Leagues

Interested in joining a league or tournament in Rochester, Minnesota? Chip Shots has you covered with leagues in cornhole, pickleball, and golf; ask today about creating a league of your own or joining an existing league.

Pickleball League

The advantage of being indoors; our leagues run year round and are the most competitive and organized leagues in the area. We use live scoreboards, standings, and an exceptionally good time. Sign up your team, or sign up as a free agent and we will pair you up.

Golf League

Our golf simulators are unparalleled; inspected and perfected by simulation engineers, each machine is housed in specifically designed environments with immersion as our number one priority. Track your stats and compete with your friends or with players around the world in our league-exclusive tournaments.

Cornhole League

With Chip Shots indoor cornhole boards our league can run year round! Enjoy our Monday night winter leagues, coinciding with Monday Night Football, or our year-round Thursday evening leagues. Open to all skill levels.

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Start your planning by reserving your spot for you and your friends for a night to remember.